Our family has been hit by Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease and it has been horrible! We're used to a nice, busy schedule with lots of time with friends. But, HFMD has laid us flat on our backs. Holly got it first. Sores all over the inside of her mouth. She couldn't eat for a couple of days. As Holly started to perk up, Greta began her turn. It's such a contagious virus. So now Greta sleeps in and takes long naps. I don't know if she's going to laugh or cry when we interact. 

Taking a break from the busyness of life has been kind of nice. I've completed chores that I've been meaning to do since we moved in. I'm on top of my housework and I checked all my September sewing items off my list. We had a great weekend together as a family with nothing on the books. We've taken walks to get out the house. There's an upside to being forced to slow down. 

I've been taught a new angle to the language of friendship. Such kind service has been extended to my family and I feel richly blessed. I've learned that little things go a long way and have so much meaning. There's so much I can do to be a better friend and I treasure the lessons I learned and the gifts I was given over the past week. 

To wrap this up, here's a few shots of Greta after I woke her up from a 3.5 hour sweaty nap. It's insane that she's just as beautiful as ever!


I really enjoy taking photos. And I like to take photos of babies. I was happy to take some of this cute, brand-new guy. I was so nervous beforehand! But I do like to step out of my comfort zone and try something new. It's refreshing and I like to think it improves me. So, here he is! 

(PS: Kelsey is a beautiful mother!)

Baby Tanner
Baby Tanner
Baby Tanner
Baby Tanner
Baby Tanner
Baby Tanner
Baby Tanner
Baby Tanner
Baby Tanner

I just love this dress! The fabric is so cute! It's scenes of little cardboard castles and is so make-believe! Greta was excited to wear this dress... hopefully her enthusiasm continues. Greta's currently not allowing me to do her hair and I chase her around the home brushing her hair. And she's also not letting me take as many photos of her as I'd like. I remember Holly going through this same phase. Now it's Greta's turn! Anyways, I'm glad I got these photos! 

Again, Rollerskate dress by Oliver and S. My new favorite!

Greta rollerskate
Greta rollerskate
Greta rollerskate
Greta rollerskate

I took these pictures a few months ago, when we still lived in our last apartment. Holly is such a beautiful girl! I love when I get to take a few focused photos of my children.


Visiting Big Basin State Parks has fluttered in my mind for about 2 years. Every now and then, I'd look at a map and think about going, so when some friends planned a one-night camping trip there and invited us, I jumped at the opportunity. Yes please! I can't believe we haven't gone sooner. It was easy to get to - no traffic, and didn't take too long at all. Best of all, Big Basin did not disapoint me in the least. It exceeded my expectations. It was lush and beautiful. A coniferous jungle that literally put a spring in my step as I walked through it. Seriously. Take me back there! The weather was a pleasant temperature the entire time we were there, although we were blessed with rain through the night, drizzles in the morning and then a downpour to pack our tent up in. I say blessed because the rain brought out the banana slugs, a creature I had never heard of before this past weekend. The kids loved going on hunts for the fruity slugs as well as salamanders. Greta surprised us by being willing to hold a salamander. It was totally outside her comfort zone, but she did it! 

We had another interesting experience with a different type of animal - a racoon. We had been told they're spirited but found out first hand when one of the little beggers stole a grocery bag of smore supplies from the table we were eating our dinner at (in the dark), only a few feet away from a human being! Talk about courage and a good eye for the good stuff. Greta has repeatedly told us the story of the monster, named racoon, stealing our marshmallows and taking them home. 

I love, love, loved being in the redwoods! Camping on that hard ground with very little sleep was so worth it!

big basin
big basin
big basin
big basin
big basin
big basin
big basin
big basin
big basin
big basin
big basin
big basin
big basin
big basin
big basin
big basin
big basin
big basin
big basin
big basin
big basin
Greta thought the Slalamander, "Lala," wanted to climb into her hair.big basin
big basin
big basin
big basin
big basin
Conor by the Father of the Forest.big basin
Me by the Mother of the Forest.big basin
big basin
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