I made a new pair of shorts for each of the girls out of gingham fabric that I bought about a year ago and I used the Oliver+S puppet show short pattern. Super easy and quick to make and the girls like them! Greta loves anything with a pocket.

Greta has become a little more chubby lately. She feels more solid and I love it, even though it means I can probably expect her to grow even taller soon. I just love that belly!  

Greta and Holly
Greta and Holly

It's been a couple years since I've had a birthday cake, thanks to being sick. This year, I made a paleo chocolate cake and served it with fresh strawberries. It was pretty good! I overbaked it a little unfortunately - baking paleo is different from traditional baking that's for sure. But next time, it'll be even better because I'll get the bake time right. The frosting was surprisingly delicious! This was a healthy birthday cake win especially compared to Greta's birthday cake flop last month. 

birthday cake

birthday cake

birthday cake

birthday cake

birthday cake

Yesterday was my 25th birthday and it was the perfect day! First, I wasn't sick! For the last two years, I've had a sinus infection for my birthday and so I really appreciated my health this year. I slept in, had a relaxing morning, curled my hair and we went out for lunch. Holly would sporatically wish me a happy birthday throughout the day and Greta would too. Conor and I went on a date and it was perfect (are you noticing a theme?). We went to Ranchos San Antoinio (a greenspace preserve) in Los Altos Hills (read: a large community of multi-million dollar homes) and went for a long walk. Everything is so green right now, some parts almost neon. And the outdoors smell so good! We enjoyed walking and talking and just being together. 

I always feel a little awkward asking a stranger to take photos, but I'm really glad I did. I had brought my film camera and we took a couple photos of each other with that, but obviously it's a little hard to photograph ourselves with a heavy DSLR. 

After our walk, we went to a favorite, Pizza Antica. They were out of gluten-free pizza, but that was okay because I ordered an amazing chicken dish instead. The flavors were unexpected and different and delicious! 

Ah, the perfect day. It's going to be a great year!

Katie and Conor
Katie and Conor
Katie and Conor

We're so lucky. Conor's Dad has a few bay area clients, so he's in the area fairly regularly. Which means we get to see him and feed him a meal or two. The girls die over their Papa Jim. They adore him so much! This week, we only got him for breakfast, but we made a little family event out of it and soaked him up. Thanks for coming!

papa jim
papa jim
papa jim
papa jim

So I got bangs. 

Sometimes I'm a little unsure about them. I feel like I have a face with lots of hard angles. So sometimes when I look in the mirror, I see one more hard angle. But sometimes I feel like my face is too soft, especially in my cheeks and then I think the bangs balance out my longer face well.

But most of the time, I really like them. They feel edgier to me. And just different. Sometimes the outer needs to reflect how different the inner has become. And since I wasn't going to get a tatoo, bangs were the trick.

I also cut a good amount off the length of my hair. Like a lot. And it feels so good. 

me and the girls
me and the girls
me and the girls
me and the girls
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