Last weekend, Holly gave herself a new haircut. Evidently she wanted a little make-over and gave herself bangs. Or she was tired of her hair always being in her face, so she cut it off. Either way, the kid cut her own hair!! Two things I'm grateful for: it's not too much of a hack job, and she didn't cut Greta's curls. Still, I need to take her in for some "fixing." And now, Holly is officially a child. Congratulations Holly! Dare I even say this haircut is better than the last one I gave her? Lucky girl, I've been meaning to take her to get a pro cut.

holly's haircut
holly's haircut
holly's haircut
holly's haircut
holly's haircut
holly's haircut

So we moved again. To some people, it may seem like moving is a hobby for us. It's kind of what we do, so I don't blame anyone for looking it that way. The weekend before we moved, we purged like crazy, but somehow it still doesn't feel like we got rid of enough. Oh the joys of downsizing. I'm definitely not a quick unpacker which in part is due to the fact that it's been really hot! The Saturday we moved, it got up to 97°F!!! I thought I was going to die! (Note: our last apartment had central AC.) The average high around here throughout the summer is 82°F-ish. Luckily it cools off at night and the next 5 days are supposed to be nice and chill. Okay, enough about the mad temps. 

We like our new apartment. It feels like home to me. I like the big, roomy kitchen and there's a big porch plus a massive common porch. Holly's so great about change. She is very open to new things and adapts really well. Greta on the other hand is having a tough time. It doesn't help that she's teething as well. Greta definitely requires lots of extra love right now. She a sensitive and tender little thing.

We're at the stage of unpacking where we have pretty much everything we need out and accessible and now we need to push through the rest. Today I read a blogpost on Oh Happy Day about simplifying. So my life right now. Too many clothes in everyone's closets! I don't think we have too many toys, but I think that some of them could go. I used to really enjoy organizing and go through things and tidying, etc, but then I had kids and my spare time became infinitely more precious. So now, I haven't been the best. But I resolve that I will be better! Okay, off to tackle some more boxes and organize! I can do it!

My lovelies watching a show.H&G

There's something about this little girl that has completely captured me from the day she was born and on. She has helped me grow a bigger heart and the amount of love she's brought to our family is tremendous. Her newest thing is flashing these great big, sincere smiles at us. These smiles are nothing but joy and happiness and they're beautiful and fill me up. When it was time to come home from the beach on Sunday, I carried Greta to the car. On the way down the dune, she snuggled into me and laid against my chest. And I feel grateful that she feels so comfortable and safe with me. I'm grateful that I get to be that for her. I adore my Greta. My sweet, sweet Greta.


When I look at beach photos, I realize I'm still in disbelief. This is where we live! We go to the beach! And it's not really a vacation because we just go for the afternoon, but it sure feels like one! The day was gorgeous! We saw dolphins, which is always a thrill! Everytime I go to the beach, I hope to see dolphins. And there was a dead sea lion a little ways down that must've been washed up by the high tide or something. It didn't smell (yet) so I went and looked at it. Sea lions are beautiful animals. The color of their fur is so rich. All in all it was a very sad sight. Poor thing.

Greta was extremely concerned about Holly being in this hole!beach

We're moving this weekend, so my posts will be close to non-existant. We haven't died, but are just really busy! Plus, I haven't been pulling my camera out nearly as frequently.

Holly is a full-on cah-razy toddler! She is a bundle of energy with a big ol' dash of defiance! I adore her. I'm having a bit of trouble keeping up with her energy level. If any of you have some good (age appropriate) recommendations for craft/activity blogs or books, I'd so appreciate it! Holly will be 3 next month.

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