I'm so glad to be in my second trimester! I'm desperately hoping the nausea takes a hike now! That would be a blessing. The baby is doing well - I had an ultrasound yesterday and let me tell you, this baby has some of the cutest chicken legs I've ever seen! I was able to see the spine, the bulbous head, the belly, the legs, the umbilical cord... it's so amazing. Honestly, babies are miracles. This little tot is quite the squirmer. I've already felt movement, some really big. I'm excited about having a wiggly baby and at the same time dreading it because baby movement encourages contractions (which I've been getting now for nearly two months). I was a little sad that we couldn't see any gender defining features, but that makes sense since baby is measuring smaller than 14 weeks. Luckily my doctor took pity on me and choose to keep my due date as is. I do have my anatomical ultrasound scheduled though. On September 21 we'll hopefully find out if we'll be doing blue or more pink! I know time will fly, but I'm still quite anxious for that Tuesday to come!