This year, I outdid myself on the girls' ornaments. Really. These little suckers took so, so long to sew up! They were done completely by hand and completely exhausted me. Fortunately they're adorable in every single way! All the pain was worth it. Holly's is a kitty and Greta's is a bunny. I hung them up with ribbon safety pinned to the backs of their heads. I need to change out the ribbon around the bunny's neck (attaching the bodies to the heads was not as neat and tidy as I would've liked it to be! Luckily the ribbon hides that!). I made Greta's sleeping, since I love to take little snapshots of her napping. And Holly's has squinty-ish eyes since that's her favorite way to smile for photos these days!

You can find the pattern from Gingermelon here. I'd like to make a fox and a bear, but that is likely to be a project for the new year. 


