Hello Belly! I feel like I started to seriously grow a belly at 22 weeks and it hasn’t stopped. I’m a little surprised by my growth and my new figure definitely is intriguing to me. Holly’s getting more visible under my skin and I can see her slithering around in there rather than just the kicks. She always gives me some good morning kicks when I wake up and sometimes she kicks right before we go to bed, giving Conor a chance to feel her strength. Earlier this week, Holly woke up and started moving around when Conor told her too. It’s cute to think she was responding to her Dad’s voice.

Last week I started to get Braxton Hicks contractions. It started out with one, maybe two, in the evening and now I’m starting to get a couple throughout the day as well. My pregnant body is a million times more fragile than I thought it would be. I’ve learned the hard way that I have to take care of myself or suffer consequences. Fluids are my best friend! Conor came to Wal-mart with me to push the cart so I wouldn’t have to and I was so grateful to have him there. In no way could I have done that by myself.

I have a doctor’s appointment on Thursday, which will be the good ol’ glucose test. So hope I don’t have gestational diabetes however, it’s a good way to tell if I’m genetically prone to diabetes and I don’t want to have a monster baby so bring on the sugary orange goodness!

Here’s a snap of the belly. Can you tell I’m tired and have had a tight stomach for much of the day? Seriously the best ab work out ever!

I’m dying to meet this little girl! From what I’ve gathered so far, I think she’s a lot like me – a homebody and a little feisty. We’ll see if my prediction is correct…