Whew! What a week. Conor, Holly and I all came down with a brutal, suck-all-your-energy cold. We've been moving at half our pace and Holly's been as grumpy as she can get. Yesterday I spent at least 4.5 hours holding Holly. She needed me to fall asleep. And she has been continually waking up at night because she just can't breath as well. Poor baby. Sometime this week, I told Conor that I hadn't gotten anything done and he told me that I underestimate what I do. Conor's awesome at helping me to love each moment. He's great at reminding me that one day, Holly isn't going to want her Momma to cuddle her. 

And so I look at this week with mixed feelings. Sure it's messy up in here and my go-to outfit has been pajamas, but I've spent a lot of time cuddling with my baby who, up until a month ago, never wanted to be cuddled. So in that way, it's been a really nice and tender week.