Before we even got a good look at her face she turned her bottom to us and gave us a clear view of her gender. Conor and I both knew before the tech even said it. We're both really excited, me a little more so because the wheels are already turning on all the things I'm going to make (you know, because my "to-make" list could be a little longer). 

And her name is... Greta. I love it! I especially love the way "Holly and Greta" sounds. We're going to keep Greta's middle name a surprise! Anyways, I couldn't be more thrilled that I get to have another little girl to love. And this guarantees that we'll be a family of 5 one day.

The best profile shot. You can see her hands tucked up by her face.Greta
Crossed ankles - so ladylike. Holly always crosses her ankles, so "the girls" (don't you just love that!) have something in common already!Greta
This one is hard to make out, but here Greta is clutching her umbilical cord. The white dots are her knuckles.Greta