Oh my, Greta is such a little Momma. And a very protective one at that. Don't ever touch her baby without permission. She will freak out! I love her little doll obsession - maybe it makes me feel like I'm a good Mom if she likes pretending to be one so much. Anywhere we go, she hoards baby dolls. I'm absolutely positive that she would love to have at least half a dozen dolls in the house to play with. If this means I'll one day have lots of little grandchildren, I'll take it! In the meantime, I'll soak up my little baby momma.

On another note, having two little girls who are such wonderful, natural, nuturing pretend mothers reaffirms one of my main purposes in life - to be a nuturing mother. This is my calling, this is where I'll feel the most joy. I'm so grateful that I get to be a mother and especially grateful to be mother to Holly and Greta. 
