Last week I took the girls to Half Moon Bay. We had to go to the city beach rather than the state beach because I had no cash or California cheque. A flag should've popped up in my mind when I saw how steep the path was to get to the beach. Uhhh, was I thinking? Ya, I was.... about the $6 I had paid to park! I started heading down by myself, both girls in the stroller, when panic set in. Luckily someone helped me after seeing my struggles. Why he didn't ask me if this was such a good idea, I don't know! We had fun at the beach, although the whole time I was worrying about and trying to plan how we'd get back up. Seriously, folks, when I say steep I mean steeeep! Throw in a few 1-3 foot drops along the path and some sand to make it slippery and you've got yourself a death trap. Are you dying to know how I got back up to the top by myself? Well, I left Holly screaming at the bottom of the path with the beach bag and wrangled Greta up to the top with the stroller. A couple times I thought we were going to slide right back down and once I got to the top, I tipped the stroller. Greta was fine. From the top, I couldn't see Holly and when I ran down to get her, I couldn't see Greta. Whew! It was nuts! We will not be venturing that beach again until the girls are a couple years older! But, it was lovely to sit on the beach and it was a quieter beach...

Holly & me
Greta & me
Holly is adorable in sunglasses!Holly
This path is more treacherous than it looks.beach

PS: In a couple days, I'll post about our positive Santa Cruz beach experience. It was awesome!