Holly and her hair. Whew. If there's anything that'll send her into an emotional tail spin, it's her hair. I'm going to try some new hair products next month and hopefully reduce the amount of tears cried. But, lately, Holly has been requesting hair-dos more freqently. And so, I've been very, very happy to oblige. But, sometimes she wants it out immediately, or sometimes she cries because it wasn't quite right... anything I do to her hair never stays in a full day and I'm lucky if it stays in for 20 minutes. On the weekend, I put a couple braids in her hair, via her request and pinned them together with a clipper. It wasn't the most flattering 'do but it was simple and it actually lasted a couple hours! Very exciting! She also wore a new dress (Holly is wary of new clothing). Progress is happening over here and it's downright thrilling. 
