It has been a very busy couple of weeks for me. Conor and I are working hard to make Christmas gifts together. We've had a lot of trial and error as we work together, but last night we wrapped up one of the bigger projects. I think it was the fourth version that was the winner. This weekend, we're headed to Berkley to pick up supplies for our other big project (I'm definitely throwing the term "big" around here). And I'm slowly making progress on the wee wonderful dolls I'm making for my daughters. Those have been so time consuming and tricky because I can only work on them at night. I've made some little gifts for some of the littles we know, but am hesitant to share until after Christmas. Of course the babes don't read my blog, but hopefully their Mommas do. I've also been working hard on a big activity our church puts on for the youth. I've had to gather volunteers and communicate with them all plus the various presidencies. It's been a big undertaking and while it's worth it, I'll be grateful when it's over and I can have my inbox back.

I definitely prefer having my handmade gifts a little more wrapped up by this time of year. I blame the delay on the fabulous quilts I've been slowly working on for my daughters (big, slow projects for Holly and Greta seems to be what I'm currently attracted to).

One thing I have adored this year, is collaborating with Conor. We've worked so well together!