Hello from Calgary! It’s been kind of quiet around here probably because I’ve been spending quality time with some of my most avid followers. We’ve been having fun and I must say I did a pretty good job at milking my 21st birthday as much as I possibly could! Ha! My belly has grown so much since coming here sometimes making me feel a little panicky. Holly’s gotten noticeably stronger and was sweet enough to do some big kicks for her Daddy this week. I was surprised that he could feel some of them! She’s already spoiled rotten! We’ve received so much for her and we’re so grateful for everyone’s generosity. At one pound Holly already has a better wardrobe than her Momma!

Here’s a shot of my big ol’ belly. I dropped into H&M and bought this sweater (non-maternity, just one size up). I’ve done some serious growing in the past week!

Maybe it’s all in my head, but I’m thinking that because my belly and chest have gotten larger my legs and behind now appear smaller… Probably all in my head but I will say that’s one perk of pregnancy!