I made very little this year for Christmas, in part because I was busy making a truckload of quilts for my etsy shop, Lucky No.7 and also because my girls don't really appreciate the handmade and I wasn't prepared to go there. They both had Christmas dresses that fit, so they didn't get new dresses. I didn't make them anything at all for Christmas. It was a smart decision. What I did make, I wanted to share. I crocheted my sister-in-law some mittens (no pictures) and I made cross stitch families for each of Conor's siblings (the how-to is from Martha Stewart). I need to make one for us! And I made some doll carriers for some little friends, and a couple for my girls, but they weren't wrapped and under the tree.  My big project was making a collared shirt for Conor which is totally too big - I didn't think it would fit right, so it came with the promise of a shirt that does fit right. Overall, it was such a relaxed, stressl-free Christmas in the making department. I had time to make some little things for around our home and I don't feel burned out. However, I do like to make more for Christmas. Just had to experience making less!

Christmas makes
Christmas makes
Christmas makes
Christmas makes
Christmas makes