My brother's in town! We've had so much fun. We've been to the downtown, Boulder and today we went to Colorado Springs to tour the Olympic Training Center (one of three in the whole country). Did you know the government doesn't provide any money to the Olympians? It's all through sponsors and donations. We totally thought we'd see more Olympians so that was a bummer. But we loved the tour anyways and we all got completely psyched for the next summer Olympics in London and the next winter Olympics (which I prefer over the summer probably because Canada dominates) in Sochi, Russia. 

She'll bust you up!female olympian
I could honestly watch Holly walk all day long. It's so cute!Holly walking
One thing Denver is totally missing - field hockey.Field Hockey
John and Holly bobsledding
John and Holly
John and Holly
Holly has loved having her Uncle John here. She's totally enjoying the extra attention. Conor and I are also loving having John here, especially the Settlers of Catan games.