After Greta went down for her nap, Holly and I got cracking on some paper making. We had a kit with everything we needed for it and it was so much easier and so much less messy than I imagined. I remember making paper in the later years of elementary school and it was fun! Holly was super interested in the first two gos of making papers and then her enthusiasm fizzled. But she was still excited to carry the plates outdoors so that the paper would quickly dry in the sunshine and she was happy to see her paper all done and ready for use! Our kit came with our April subsription of Kiwi Crate. It was very hands-on for me, but really fun.

After reading this talk by Tom Perry, I realized that the reason why I feel happier and successful as a mother when I'm crafting with them regularly is because I'm teaching them. And to teach children is a primary purpose of motherhood.

PS: these photos were taken all on the same day. Holly just loves her outfit changes!

paper making
paper making
paper making
paper making
This is her model shot! Dying over it!!paper making
paper making