I knew it would be one of those days when I had my first contraction at 8 am. Usually they don't start flowing until the evening. Plus, Holly's been such a toddler lately. She only wants me and if I ever leave her with Conor, oh geez. When I get back it's as though her world was crumbling without me. Flattering but... I'm doing my best to remember it's just a phase and I'm trying to hold her and cuddle her because she'll be an only child for just a few more months!

I did manage to work hard on gifts for my nieces and nephews. I would've finished them completely, but I ran out of thread. Our living room looked like Santa's workshop had exploded. And we received our first snowfall this afternoon. And Conor and I listened to Christmas music! 

Below are a couple photos of the doll quilt I made for Holly. It'll be in her stocking Christmas morning. I used some samples I received of Oliver+S's City Weekend fabric. So cute! And yes, I know a row is backwards. Oops! 

doll quilt
The back of the doll quilt.doll quilt
Some of the Jam I made last week. This year I made 3 batches of strawberry, 1 batch of raspberry, 1 batch of strawberry-raspberry and 1 batch of mixed berry.jam