Big news! Conor got a great job offer in Palo Alto, California. So we're moving. In about a week and half or so. Things are gonna get a little crazy around here. I just listed our home for rent on craigslist. So if you know anyone interested in renting a fairly spacious place, send them our way. We're hoping to get someone in as soon as possible. We've booked the moving truck and even picked up some boxes. Now I guess we gotta get packing! We still need to find a place to live in California. When that task is settled, I know I'll feel a little bit better.

I know some people think we're crazy and wonder if we'll ever settle down. We'll probably never move back to Denver and I think we'll stick to the western states for the rest of our lives. But who knows? When we were first married, we thought we'd live in Calgary forever. We chose to move to Colorado and now we've chosen to move to California. California feels really right and even though I sometimes feel so stressed that it's disabling, I know it's the right thing for our family and for Conor's career. Everytime I've prayed about it, it sticks in my mind and I feel peace. I'm really excited for our new adventure - I think we're going to have a lot of fun!