I’m going to use a post to brag about my baby. She is so stinking good. She did really well on most of the flights (by the end of our very last one she was soooo done, plus she had a cold coming on). Holly was lulled into submission by her stroller and napped like a Grandma. She was happy and pleasant even though she had some tummy troubles on our trip. She smiled at everybody! When we got of our plane in Atlanta and were waiting for our stroller and carseat, Holly grinned at everyone who would cast a glance her way. She was the little greeter!

New York is anything but baby friendly. Feeding her was stressful and so was finding a place to change her diaper. People were surprised to see a baby and many thought Holly was the child of Conor’s parents rather than ours. There were 3 types of strollers that everyone had and may I say that we were “in-style” with our Phil&Teds stroller. Holla.

Conor & Holly