Already another year gone! 2012 didn't have very many big moments in it, but it was a really big year for our family. We grew and changed a lot! Here's a list of all the bigger things that happened:

  • Holly became free of diapers!
  • Greta turned 1
  • We started budgeting, seriously
  • We spent a weekend in Tahoe
  • We went to LA for a wedding
  • Greta learned to walk
  • We moved to a new apartment (same city)
  • Holly turned 3
  • We visited Calgary
  • I ran my first-ever half marathon
  • Holly and Greta took ballet lessons

Last year, my broad, "not too personal to share" goals were:

  • take better care of myself (ie: get more than one haircut in 2012)
  • grow my testimony
  • sew more for myself and my home
  • have FUN!

I did get more than one haircut (I think) and I took much better care of myself physically, my testimony is a million times stronger, I didn't really sew more for myself, but I did sew a little more for my home, and we did have a lot of fun. Doing more crafts with Holly was so fulfilling to me as her mother and we are stronger in our relationship because of it. 

In the last week or two, I've been thinking about what I want to accomplish this year. I had a lot of personal victories of 2012 that were so sweet and so precious. I feel like 2013 holds a lot of unknowns for me, but I hope I'm ready for it. So here's what I've got so far in terms of goals:

  • Pay off all our debt (this is a family one and we've sacrificed and scrimped but so far we've managed to pay off an impressive amount in a short amount of time and I'm really proud of us!)
  • Find a new rythym for physcial exericse
  • Sew more for myself
  • Experiment with some "extreme" diets, for example, vegetarian, gluten-free, vegan
  • Mother with intent and purpose
  • Find happiness, regardless of my circumstances
  • Keep some plants alive
  • Become a citizen of the USA
  • Laugh more

What are your resolutions?


PS: I found this talk by President Uchtdorf to be really thought provoking.