Oh my word, time is slipping through my fingers. At seven months, Greta is rolling and pivoting all. over. the. place! She gets into so much and I have to keep a close eye on her. Every now and then she lifts her entire body off the ground and uses only her hands and toes to hold her up. Greta can sit up all by herself, however, I like to keep something behind her still because she will topple and she will cry. She's still not sleeping through the night. But in the last couple days, she's finally getting how to eat solid foods although anything but sweet potatoes makes her gag. I think one of the best things about this month is that her bald spot is growing in and rapidly disapearing!

We're no longer taking photos of Greta lying on her back because she just flips on over to her tummy, so we'll do sitting up photos from here on out!


Greta at 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 months.