Little Greta Elizabeth is so cute and a very agreeable baby. She loves to be held and I spend a lot of time each day holding her. She cries often if she's put down, but stops immediately upon being picked up. It's really gratifying to have her stop crying as soon as I pick her up - I love it! She's a real cuddler. Fortunately, Greta is okay to sleep in her own bed at night. Often, she still joins me (or Conor) in my bed in the early morning for our last stretch of snoozing. 

Greta will not take a soother at all. We've tried 5 different types and she refuses and acts like they're the most disgusting thing ever. She's a bit of a snob that way.

Greta is getting so big. On Wednesday, she weighed 7 lbs 10 oz. I've dressed her in some 0-3 month clothing in the last week, which are still pretty big on her. She's definitely getting great use out of her newborn sized clothing.

Greta might have hip dysplasia. The next step is getting an ultrasound done on her hips. I'm hoping that she doesn't have it, however I wouldn't be surprised if she did because I've had so much trouble and pain in my hips over the years. The sling or harness that Greta would have to wear for the first 6 weeks (about) is definitely awkward and less than stylish. We'll see what happens...

In the meantime, lookit how cute my baby is when she's sleeping!
