The last two days, I've been worrying myself sick because Greta measured itty bitty at my ultrasound on Monday. Today, we had a follow-up ultrasound where absolutely everything was checked and Greta's totally fine! She weighs between 5 lbs 6oz and 5 lbs 11 oz, which puts her in about the 25th percentile. Turns out, I'm just packing her away really well. I find it incredible that my body can build another little body. It's amazing to see her little heart pumping and feel her squirm around. She's such a different baby from Holly, so much more active. And from the ultrasound pictures, it seems to me that she'll look quite different from Holly too. I think she has my nose - it's kind of bulbous looking when in newborn phase, poor girl. But, I love my nose now so I'll happily pass that onto my daughter. I think her lips may be fuller than Holly's. I'm just dying to meet her! I had gotten myself all excited about being induced this week. Let's just say, I got A LOT done these last two days! 

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