Our family has been hit by Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease and it has been horrible! We're used to a nice, busy schedule with lots of time with friends. But, HFMD has laid us flat on our backs. Holly got it first. Sores all over the inside of her mouth. She couldn't eat for a couple of days. As Holly started to perk up, Greta began her turn. It's such a contagious virus. So now Greta sleeps in and takes long naps. I don't know if she's going to laugh or cry when we interact. 

Taking a break from the busyness of life has been kind of nice. I've completed chores that I've been meaning to do since we moved in. I'm on top of my housework and I checked all my September sewing items off my list. We had a great weekend together as a family with nothing on the books. We've taken walks to get out the house. There's an upside to being forced to slow down. 

I've been taught a new angle to the language of friendship. Such kind service has been extended to my family and I feel richly blessed. I've learned that little things go a long way and have so much meaning. There's so much I can do to be a better friend and I treasure the lessons I learned and the gifts I was given over the past week. 

To wrap this up, here's a few shots of Greta after I woke her up from a 3.5 hour sweaty nap. It's insane that she's just as beautiful as ever!
