I took lots and lots of photos on Holly's big day. We started the day off right with balloons, pancakes, fruit and juice (a rarity!). This was the first year that Holly was super excited for presents, and she wanted lots of them! I think she was satisfied. We gave her 3 cute books, a birthday dress made by me, and a toy camera. I felt a little weird about the toy camera because we had originally bought it for Greta's birthday, but Greta had so many gifts that we put it away in the closet and saved it for Holly's birthday. I feel like we made the right choice, but, it still feels weird! Holly's birthday dress was a surprise this year and she looooves it! Whew! 

Conor stayed home from work and we went to Gilory Gardens (pictures to follow in the next post). We played all day there, came home, ate a simple supper and then had cupcakes. Cupcakes was another thing Holly was super excited for! One of the best parts about birthdays, for me, is seeing how happy my children are (and taking the time to soak up my child myself). Birthdays are so happy! It was on Holly's second birthday in Yahk that she looked for the first time happy through to her bones. I feel like she was able to comprehend that it was a significant day for her and that we were celebrating her. I love seeing that look in my children's eyes. It's something special! 

Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday
Holly's birthday