We’re happy to be home from Holly’s little procedure. It’s because she’s so small that we had to stay overnight at the hospital and apnea is a concern for babes that little. She did have to have oxygen blowing at her a few times and was generally upset. Man, she can scream! Conor and I couldn’t put her down unless she was completely asleep or else she would cry. She wanted to eat every couple of hours and was just plain unhappy. Holly’s doing much better today and she hasn’t had any tylenol since we left the hospital this morning. Everyone at the hospital thought she was the cutest ever! And no one could believe that I had just had a baby – love that!

To view more photos of Holly’s little trip to the hospital, visit Conor and my Mobile Me Album. You can also check out our stay at the hospital when Holly was born, Holly’s first doctor’s appointment and pictures from Day Seven (today).

Hope you enjoy your Holly overload!