Well we took possession on Friday and since, we've sanded down the upstairs baseboards (which were once a sickly green and then a pink-brown), primed the master bedroom in the basement, taped off the majority of the basement in preparation for painting and vacuumed a gazillion times. There's been lots of other things done, however progress has been slow. I unfortunately can't do much over at the house seeing as I'm just barely 12 weeks pregnant and therefore in my first trimester. I can't really be in the house when the walls are being washed or when there's paint going up. Kind of a bummer. 

We've ran into our share of "bumps." The most daunting being the mold in Holly's bedroom and the scary laundry room. Great. Add to that wallpaper that wasn't removed properly in the designated office, needing to use oil-based primer on some spots and we probably have to replace the eaves. Ahh, tis sweet to be a homeowner! 

Peeling off wallpaper residue. The gray is the paint color of choice for this room.
Guest bedroom, so far no problems here!
Upstairs bathroom - I really like this bathroom. And no problems!
The mold in Holly's room. We're going to have to replace the carpet.
Master bedroom. This blue is the basic wall color that will be up thoughout the house.
There used to be a poorly made and small closet in this corner. Conor and his Dad demoed it.
Our shower stall in the bathroom basement that has a crack in the floor. Every single review on Home Depot's website (there was 5+) complained about a crack in the floor rendering the shower useless.
Scariest room in the house. There's mold in here too.
Kitchen. Not scary. Rather nice. It's going to be painted a pretty turquoise blue and I can't wait.
We're totally going to be house broke at the end of this. I keep trying to remind myself that in 3 months, when we're moved in and organized, I'm going to love the place and be so happy! Until then, I've been glaring at the house every time I go over just so it knows I'm disappointed in it's surprises.