I did it! I ran my first half marathon! And it was amazing! My goal time was 2:20:00 and my official time was 2:18:57. I'm super proud of myself. My running buddy and I only walked through the aid stations and for a few minutes while we tried to choke down our goo between 9.5 and 10 miles.

Running a half marathon has been so much more than a half marathon. It has been exactly what I've needed at this time of my life. I've gained confidence, some serious muscle and so much more. It's been a really incredible spiritual journey for me, which I know might not make sense, but my physical and spiritual are deeply connected. Doing this half marathon has given me a glimpse of the person I can be. A happy person, filled with faith and not fear.

I suffer from anxiety. Before my first race ever, I got about 5 hours of restless sleep and was experiencing serious panic. This time, I felt no panic and Friday night's sleep was perfect. I worked hard to keep absolutely all negative feelings out of my mind. I continually expressed how excited I was and how awesome doing this is. I knew that if I gave any power at all to negativity, I could lose myself entirely to it. And the best part about doing that, is that I enjoyed it all. It was so fun and exciting. I loved given myself wholly to positive thinking. It was so happy!

Yes, running was hard. My legs are so sore right now! Usually I settle between miles 4 and 6, but I didn't really ever settle as well as I would've liked in this race, I think because of race jitters. I can't even tell you how many times I've visualized running over that finish line, while running my half and at many other times leading up to it (I totally cried at the finish! This has been such a big goal for me). I also visualized the chocolate cake I'm making on Sunday! I burned 1200 calories!

Running across the finish line was exactly what I dreamed it would be. There was my sweet family! All three of them cheering and supporting me. I love my family! It means so much to me that my goals mean so much to them, especially Conor. It takes a family... and I'm so glad I have mine.

Doing this half marathon has been so much more than I thought it would be. And at the end of it all, it's my God that I thank and praise. I am so blessed. 

half marathon