Today is Greta's second birthday. I have mixed feelings about it. Of course I'm excited that she's getting older, but I mourn the loss of her babyhood. I feel like we officially no longer have a baby in the house. 

Greta is a wonderful little girl. She's brilliant for starters. The other day she counted to eight all by herself, without being prompted. She forms full and complex sentences. She understands emotions and is more than capable to express them with words as well as with actions (tantrums, etc). She is stubborn and willful. She is tender and sweet. She is beautiful. 

Greta has required me to stretch myself as a mother. The last two years have brought me exhaustion, heartache, confusion, helplessness as well as patience, a bigger heart, and a little more understanding. There's something about Greta, her neediness perhaps, that brings a need to change to me. It's so hard to put into words what Greta means to me. She has brought me love and joy just when I needed it. She is my sweet little baby.
