Holly needed another dress for Sundays, so I made her one and Greta one to match. A friend gave me yards of these fabrics years ago. I made Holly a dress from it and then Greta wore that dress. Since it's been a while since I last cut into this fabric, I decided to use it again for dresses this year. Holly in red, Greta in yellow. I used the Bubble Dress pattern from Oliver and S. I made a few mistakes on round one (because I was trying to modify the pattern but didn't think it through), but round two I did everything right and according to pattern instructions. Only problem is the size 5 I made for Holly is so super short! I didn't even think to check the measurements because I've sewn so many times with Oliver and S patterns, I know they run a little big and I know a size 4 for Holly is a bit on the small size. That's a little bit frustrating. Holly was so excited about wearing this dress. She even put it on the previous Sunday when she had to stay home, sick, from church. It's a solid 5-6 inches too short! I made Greta's in a size 3 and it's perfect. I'm trying to decide if I should make Holly another one (I still have lots of fabric) and lengthen it by 6 inches or if I should just admit defeat and buy her a dress. I really need to get started on my Christmas sewing (and start and finish Halloween sewing!) and I'm unsure if I have enough time to make her another dress. Seamstress problems! Opinions? Should I sew another dress?

To convince Greta to wear this dress, I gave her a little square of chocolate. She let that chocolate sit on her tongue for a long time, over 5 minutes, and for the duration of this little photo shoot. Way to savor it babe!

bubble dresses
bubble dresses
bubble dresses
bubble dresses
bubble dresses
bubble dresses