Last year, I decided to make going to the Nutcracker a family tradition. This year, Greta was deemed old enough and we all went. We went to a local showing done by the rec center where the girls take their ballet classes. The tickets were only $8 (whoop), and we had great front row seat (double whoop!). Greta wasn't quite old enough and as soon as the program passed her threshold of sacrament meeting time (1 hour and 5 minutes), she was done. "Hungee Momm, hungee!" I took her out and we did not re-enter! Despite the early exit, it was really fun. Holly liked it and wanted to know when her turn was and Greta did enjoy it until her stomach took control of her emotions. 

Holly's currently going through a really funny smiling phase. I love all the photos I have of her with her squinty-eyed, intense smile. I think she thinks her smile needs to be something specific. I gave her a little smile pep talk when Conor was taking photos of us and I told her to just laugh. While she's figuring out her smile in this world, I'm loving all the pictures I have of her experimenting with her smile. 

the girls
Holly  & me
Holly & me
Holly and Me