Holy smokes! Where did the last month go? I can’t believe Holly’s already been a member of our little Muirhead family for one complete month. She’s a treasure! Holly likes to keep Conor and I on our toes; we’re always wondering if she’s going to sleep tonight. And I always wonder if she’ll go back to sleep easily after I feed her in the wee hours of the morning. She’s a pretty content baby however, she definitely has her moments and nights. She loves being held and especially likes the Baby Bjorn. Holly had her one month check-up today and I was surprised to learn that my baby weighs 8.5 lbs, putting her in the 30% for weight! I’m so proud of her and of myself since nursing has been a struggle. I knew she was putting on weight since she’s a poo and pee machine, but I didn’t realize it was that much!