Our new favorite cookies are gluten-free, are vegan (so long as vegan chocolate chips are used) and have no "bad fats" or refined sugar. They don't have honey or maple syrup either! They're an oatmeal base with mashed bananas and apple sauce and of course, chocolate chips. And I love them! It's a good thing they're so "healthy" because everytime I make them, I can't stop eating them! Conor says that he likes them even better than the butter and sugar cookies I used to make. That's kind of a big deal. 

Recently I had the girls help me make a batch. I'm typically a control freak about food and the kitchen and I don't care for help (except from my Mom), but I did my best to let go and step out of my comfort zone (do I sound crazy?). And I had to tell my girls many times to stop licking the spoons and tasting the batter. When Greta had a turn mashing bananas, she took a big taste of the banana and when I told her to stop tasting, she spit the banana back into the bowl. I still baked them up, but we definitely did not take any to our neighbors! 

The hardest thing about these cookies, is having ripe enough bananas lying around to make them with! 

You can find the recipe for these Oatmeal Banana Chip Cookies here. I bake them for 20 minutes at 375°F. If you make them, I'd love to hear what you think!

making cookies
making cookies
making cookies
making cookies
making cookies