We're slowly getting to know the area that we live in especially the parks. Moving here has made me realize what an awesome park system Denver had - there were so many! But here, the parks are mostly really nice. The first one we ever went to felt like a joke to me. The 60's called, they want their worn out, unsafe park back. But the other parks we've been to since are really great and every park has been well maintained and most have public washrooms. Anyways, we love going to the park, breathing in the fresh air and getting all tired out before naptime. I recently put Greta in the swing and she loved it. She was giggling and smiling the whole time. She especially loved having Holly in the swing beside her. Greta adores Holly. I do wish that we had a park within a 10-15 minute walk from us. In Denver there were 4 parks that we could easily walk to from our home. Here, the closest is 20 minutes away but that's the '60's park. I'm fine to walk 25-30 minutes both ways, but that doesn't quite jive with Greta's nap schedule. So in about a year we'll be able to walk to the park! Until then, it's fine for us to hop into the car and drive.

I am wrapped around this baby's little finger. Her one and only nickname is "Chubbs" for a reason!Greta
Holly's still recovering her energy. I think it'll be a few weeks before she's her vibrant little self again.Holly
Holly's hair post nap. Sometimes I wonder why I try!Holly