We did as much as we could with our two littles in Portland as we could. We went to the World Forestry Center, visited Powell's Books (could've spent days in there!), and we ate. I wish we could've fit in more, but Greta needed a nap, and there were bedtimes, etc. Hopefully we'll go back to Portland soon. One funny thing we noticed was that we kept returning to the Pearl District. Most of what we wanted to see/do/eat seemed to be there! I would love to look at all the shops (very difficult to do with small, tactile children). Portland is a beautiful city. I left enamoured and wanting more! 

Our last stop, was the Portland temple. It was closed for some big renos, but I'm glad we stopped. It's a beautiful temple! I love the geometric pattern on it's spires. So inspiring!

portland temple
portland temple
portland temple
portland temple
portland temple
portland temple
And this pic pretty much sums up how Greta felt at the end of our trip. She was tired and ready to be home!portland temple