Over the weekend, I went for a 4 mile run. This was a vacation for me too and that's what I wanted to do. I wanted to go for a relaxing run that was a little bit longer than what I do during the week. Some mornings, I really don't want to run. Three times a week, I get up at 5:55am so I can meet my running partners at 6:30am (and then I try to do a long run on Saturdays). I know this isn't very early for a lot of people. Most mornings, Conor's up an hour before I am. For me this is a sacrafice - my body needs a lot of rest. But, I'm feeling the rewards. I love running. I love the way it all comes together and I love the appreciation I have for my body every time I run. I love the energy it gives me and the burst of confidence. I do it for myself. I have a lot of improvements to do when it comes to my health, however, I'm moving in the right direction. I am taking care of myself. And while I'm doing so much for me, I'm also teaching my children invaluable lessons. Lessons about exercise, health and, most importantly, loving and respecting oneself. 

When I see amazing views, like I did on Saturdays run, I know God is real. He designed my body and this beautiful world. My maker is amazing. Beautiful views like Lake Tahoe and the ocean always bring my soul peace. I believe it's because of the quiet and soft affirmations that God is real.

Lake Tahoe