I'm officially in love with San Francisco. It's so darling. I kind of wish we lived there. Except then Conor's commute would be longer. I can't have it all. We headed up to the city after a leisurely morning. Our best laid plans had to be changed, but we still had a lovely time. We picnicked in Sausolito in a little park that opened up to the water. Holly loved throwing rocks into the water. We were planning on taking a little stroll on the golden gate, but Greta was fussy and a little pukey (she had shots on Friday), so we decided to postpone that event and we went directly to a confectionary that I wanted to go to - Miette. It was as cute as it was promised to be. I ate my first parisian macaron and it was delicious! The texture was divine and I fully intend to master making them in my own kitchen. Now I just need to schedule well-behaved time with my daughters. Ha! We also went to a little ice cream shop that we wanted to try but we couldn't remember the name. It was a perfect coincidence that it was right across the street from Miette.

On the drive home, I asked Holly what her favourite part of the day was. And she remembered and brought up a dog she had met at a park, named "Lola." Holly was smitten with the dog and the owner's were so kind and gracious about Holly's obsessing! I wish I had taken a photo of her and the dog.

the girls
the girls
This picture makes me think of Nathan and Daria's Lola so much! I love it when my children remind me of family members.Greta
Holly & Conor
A dirty shot of Holly's pants. These babies are so cute and I'm so glad I splurged on them!Holly's dirty pants
This is Holly's treat - funny little gummy penguins with juicy tummies.Holly
Greta and me
greta and me
Sweet displays that I want to recreate.cute display