The crib is kind of a problem. Holly likes to bond with Greta in it past bedtime keeping her and Greta awake waaaay too late! Holly brings toys so Greta is satisfied. And in the mornings it's fine. They play nicely together. At nighttime it's an issue. A couple nights last week, Holly slept in Greta's crib with her. Greta was too exhausted to care! It could be worse. They could not like each other.

Holly and Greta
This is how Holly ferries things into the crib.Holly
"I jump" is what she said to me while standing on top of the bookshelf. Uhhh no. And then she blew a raspberry at me. Her newest form of communication.Holly
This is how Holly gets into the crib.Holly
The girls sleeping together. Holly knows she's busted.Holly and Greta
But seriously, how adorable is this? I love it. These girls love each other so much. It's amazing to me.Holly and Greta