Living where we do, we see zero snow in the winter. Frost yes, snow no. Last winter we went to Tahoe for a weekend and that was the only snow we saw. Holly was very excited to see snow on our trip to Calgary. Everytime we facetime with grandparents, she requests to see the snow. The best was when my Mom and Alanna made a snowman for her. Holly was thrilled about the snow in Calgary! She loved it! She walked through it every chance she got. The girl was in snow heaven. The second day we were in Calgary, we went sledding with the cousins (or as Holly called them her "brothers and sisters"). Holly couldn't get enough. She especially loved eating the snow. She was one happy cookie until her hands got cold. Greta on the other hand hated the snow and cold. She hated wearing her winter jacket and oh my goodness, when those snow pants had to go on, she was fuming. She hated the snow boots. She didn't want to wear mittens. She spent her time on the slope crying. She giggled a little when she went down the hill on a sled. And that's about it. Poor girl. Clearly California is where Greta belongs! (To Greta's credit, two molars were working their way through while we were in Calgary.) Holly's cousin, Cora, showed her how to make a snow angel and that was about the cutest thing ever. I love seeing my kids with their cousins. Holly latched on to them and each one is her best friend.

snow day
snow day
snow day
snow day
snow day
snow day
snow day
snow day
snow day
snow day
snow day
snow day
snow day
snow day
snow day
snow day
snow day