We left our home alone for the first time. Off to Utah we went for the long weekend to visit friends, attend a reception and spend 3.5 hours at Ikea (not kidding). We had a great time and Holly was so good despite the fact that we kept her up one night the latest she's been since she was a newborn and despite the fact we drove all over the Salt Lake Valley. She's seriously such a sweet baby. Speaking of babies, Holly loves babies. She gravitates towards them. She loves children and is such a social butterfly. I love it. She doesn't fully understand how to be gentle but she'll get lots of practice soon enough. And speaking of that baby, I've hit the feeling fat phase even though my maternity jeans are looser in the hips, behind and thighs than they were when I was pregnant with Holly. On the happy side, we have our BIG ultrasound in two weeks! Which I can hardly believe. How am I already this far along? Why is time speeding by so quickly? First baby and Second baby have already been such a different experience. I'm dying to know what Second baby's personality is. But not dying so bad that I want time to continue to move at light speed... my First baby is growing up too fast!