Ugh. It's been a stessful 2 weeks. A stressful 2 months actually. Conor has pneumonia and I'm not feeling too hot either. Holly's a toddler who throws tantrums, but Greta, she's my sunshine. I can never be upset when I'm holding her. We're so lucky to have her in our family! I'm sure she'll throw tantrums soon enough, but until then, I'm going to soak up her sweetness. Here's some photos I took of the girlies this afternoon. Besides buying a great-fitting pair of jeans at Target while waiting for my prescription to be filled, the photos are pretty much the only thing I did today!

This photo really shows have different the girls are. Blue-eyed blond Holly, dark-eyed brunette Greta. And their skin tones are so different too! Greta's so, so white next to Holly.sisters
I love it when chubby little babies start grabbing their feet. Greta's completely intrigued by those 10 little piggies.Greta