I'm officially in my third trimester now at the big 27 weeks. I'm feeling round and all the sudden a week ago, bending over became difficult. One perk to a summer pregnancy is wearing flip-flops that just slide on! Overall, things have been going well. Contractions are still here and once or twice, they've been surprisingly painful. Fortunately, being the seasoned pregnant lady that I am, I knew to discount them and that they'd go away. I used it as a good opportunity to practice relaxing during contractions. Greta moves a lot more than Holly ever did, but if Conor ever puts his hand on my stomach or looks at my stomach, she gets stage fright and stops moving. I have no idea how she knows! I realized this morning that Greta has never had noticeable hiccups, unlike Holly who had them 3 times a day, at least! 

Speaking of Holly, when asked where the baby is, she lifts up my shirt and waves. It's cute! 

27 weeks
27 weeks
27 weeks