Yes, tomorrow is the big day! I feel so ready for it. It feels so right to be here, where I am in life, despite the moments when I feel way too young to be a momma and maybe a little too immature too. Physically, I feel there. My shirts are starting to creep up on me and I think I’m going to have to start boxing up the clothing that I can’t really wear anymore. I’m a little in between two clothing worlds at the moment. Everything maternity is too big for me, and although my regular, non-pregnant clothing are working, they won’t be for much longer.

I’ve loved feeling my little baby kick this week. Ever since Sunday, when I felt the little thing move for sure, I’ve been so much more aware of the little kicks. Granted I can only feel it when I’m still because they’re so light and little. I love it especially when the baby kicks lots or kicks a little harder than usual! Hopefully Conor will be able to feel the baby kick soon.

This morning felt like Christmas Eve Day. As soon as I woke up, the first thought I had was, “one more sleep!” Ahh, boy or girl? I can’t wait to find out.