So I was stung by a wasp today. On my face just to the left of my chin. It hurt. Really bad. The sucker left it’s nasty stinger in my face too so Conor had to come and pluck that out for me. I’ve been stung once before, a long time ago, and so I was glad to already know that I’m not allergic, you know, with the whole pregnancy thing and all. I was also relieved that the wasp (which literally appeared out of no where and somehow became tangled in my super-soft, freshly cut hair) didn’t lay a stinger on Avi, the 10 month old that I was holding at the time. Considering the wasp stung me on the same side I was “hip-holding” Avi, I’m very happy I was the victim and not him. Needless to say my face aches a little and I’m ticked about the whole thing because honestly, it’s January! I’ve never seen a wasp before in January. Aren’t wasps cold blooded? Hello hibernation?