It's been a very good week. Yesterday, Conor walked into the kitchen looking perplexed and surprised. He asked me what I was doing. I was making Jam! Here's my list of tangible accomplishments of the week:

  • primed and painted the nursery. I did an excellent job.
  • touched up the bathroom cabinet (I painted it last week)
  • made 46 cups, or 5 batches, of jam
  • sewed an activewear dress for Holly
  • bound a quilt
  • cut out fabric for another quilt

Whew! All that and Holly's been super clingy and needy this week. I'm looking forward to my glucose test today where I have to sit at my doctor's office for an hour. I'm bringing some books with me and I'm really excited for the quiet time. I can't wait to show you pictures of all the headway I've made around here, but unfortunately, my editing program is experiencing difficulties since my most recent upgrade. I promise to share as soon as I can! What have you been up to this week?