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Just had to share a few more photos of the Ecuador countryside. It's so beautiful, take me back! We also got to see a lot of the countryside because google maps took us on some seriously funky routes!

We had a 10.5 hour travel day from Puerto Lopez to Baños. It was a big long day, but it was totally fine until the sun set and we couldn’t enjoy the scenery anymore! Ecuador is so beautiful! Before we went back into the mountains we drove past a million banana trees, coconut trees and cacao trees. I’ve never seen those before! The piles and piles of bananas at roadside shops never got old. I probably should’ve snapped some photos of that. Whoops! I wanted to pull over at every turn to capture what we were seeing. Ecuador is so lush and green. Both Conor and I loved returning to the mountains. We really, really enjoyed our time at the coast and we are really, really happy to be back in the mountains. Gosh, I love Ecuador.

Okay, these three photos don't do the countryside of Ecuador justice, but I had to try! I could drive through the countryside forever. I love seeing all the lines of laundry. As we drove through the mountains to the coast, I noticed that the traditional dress changed a bit. Straighter skirts with deeper, more jewel-toned colors. I would love to learn more about the traditional clothing in South America.