A few photos at the Museo de Filatelia de Oaxaca. This is a really neat and well designed space. We've popped in a couple of times now. This one visit, we were here playing and waiting for a tour at the botanical gardens. 

Yesterday, we had a shopping day. Shopping is not my favorite activity, but there were some things we wanted and needed to find. Greta's sandals broke so we bought her new ones. Holly wanted a hat and I can totally support that because the sun is bright and Maeve also wanted a hat which she very happily wears! I love the hats on both of them and I'm thinking about picking up one for myself. We bought some textiles - a few dresses for Maeve (couldn't resist!) and I bought a couple shirts for myself and a small rug for the bathroom at home. Qué más? Holly and Greta spent some of their money on some little trinkets and Greta bought herself a very pretty dress. We finished all our shopping with a little rest in the Zocálo (a place we find ourselves very often!) before we continued on our way to the stamp museum and the botanical gardens. The girls got snow cones. Holly's choice of flavor is called "beso de angel" or angel's kiss. 

Here are some cute pictures of my favorite girls! Last night we walked to the supermarket to buy supplies like toothpaste, chocolate, and diapers (except I accidentally bought pull-ups!). Poor Conor is feeling pretty rough right now and so while we had planned to go to a new restaurant for dinner, we opted to take a taxi home, put Conor in bed and go to the local taco shop instead. No disappointments there because the food at our local place is so yummy (and cheap!). I'm hoping that this coming week brings a little more health to my family. At the beginning of last week, I ate something dirty and was really sick for 24 hours. An authentic experience here in Mexico! We don't have Spanish School this week, so we have lots and lots of fun plans like visiting some towns, eating good food, visiting ruins... etc, etc! I'm so excited to see more of this area and maybe do some shopping. 

Yesterday, Conor and I had the wonderful chance to go to the temple here in Oaxaca. Starting next week, it will be closed for 2 weeks. We were so fortunate to have this chance offered to us by a family in our ward. They picked us up, took our daughters to their home to be cared for by their older daughters and then we went to the temple! I had to laugh when I saw for myself that the Oaxaca temple is the exact same as the Spokane temple! They are the smallest temples ever! The biggest difference were the palm trees and poinsettias in the garden of the Oaxaca temple. 

I loved listening to some of the temple ceremonies in Spanish. The Spanish language is so beautiful. 

I feel as though we have just soaked up so much kindness here in Mexico. It is non-stop! For some reason, people want to have us over for dinners and do kind things for us. I'll forever be grateful!

We really love having a bunch of kids living in the same apartment building as us. The family above us has 8 children, and while most of the older kids work, the younger three are home a lot because there's no room in the public schools. The are three very happy, very energetic boys and my girls love to play with them! The youngest, Carlitos, has my heart. He is so cute and has the biggest grin! Whenever Maeve hears him, she says, "friend, friend," and wants him. For so many people living above us, we hardly ever hear them. In fact, I think we are noisier than they are!

Last week, the kids had a little play time together. We had our friend, Santi (in the olive shirt), with us too. The girls blew bubbles and the boys smashed them all. It was a really sweet and tender moment for me. 

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