We've been home for almost a week from our trip North, and I feel like I'm still trying to process it. The fact that we're in full pack mode doesn't help. It was a beautiful trip. Full of early mornings, sun, beaches and family. I feel like I learned a lot.

I just finished the photos I took (there are so many!) and I feel so grateful for these photos. I often find it hard to live in the moment because I'm stressing over one thing or another. Sometimes I can let go and take it all in and those moments are precious. Photos allow me to go back, remember and savor. Looking back at this trip is bittersweet. So much fun playing with family and being outdoors. And now we're back to our completely urban life with no nearby family. And we have two little girls who really miss their family. Holly is old enough to begin to understand and she is sensitive about it. It's heartbreaking. 

So while I still process and sort and cherish, here are two photos of my beauties on the beach. To me, Holly and Greta are the most gorgeous creatures on this earth and I'm still in awe that my body created them. They are beautiful on the inside and the outside. And I adore them.


The moon does not fight. It attacks no one. It does not worry. It does not try to crush others. It keeps to its course, but by its very nature, it gently influences. What other body could pull an entire ocean from shore to shore? The moon is faithful to its nature and its power is never diminished.

— Deng Ming-Dao

We did as much as we could with our two littles in Portland as we could. We went to the World Forestry Center, visited Powell's Books (could've spent days in there!), and we ate. I wish we could've fit in more, but Greta needed a nap, and there were bedtimes, etc. Hopefully we'll go back to Portland soon. One funny thing we noticed was that we kept returning to the Pearl District. Most of what we wanted to see/do/eat seemed to be there! I would love to look at all the shops (very difficult to do with small, tactile children). Portland is a beautiful city. I left enamoured and wanting more! 

Our last stop, was the Portland temple. It was closed for some big renos, but I'm glad we stopped. It's a beautiful temple! I love the geometric pattern on it's spires. So inspiring!

portland temple
portland temple
portland temple
portland temple
portland temple
portland temple
And this pic pretty much sums up how Greta felt at the end of our trip. She was tired and ready to be home!portland temple

Back from vacation. Sigh. I wish vacation was forever. 

We roadtripped to Canada and on our way home, we drove through Portland and stayed a couple nights. That was all I needed to fall in love with Portland! It's a big enough city that it's cool, but small enough to feel approachable. And, it was so easy for us to eat there! Being gluten-intolerant and vegetarian is kind of tough when it comes to eating out. But in Portland, it was simple and delightful to eat out. I loved that! We ate lots of good food. 

Our first stop was Multnomah Falls. It was beautiful even though it was swarmed with people. Lucky us, we bumped into some friends from Denver who now live in Seattle. Small world!

I want to return to Multnomah Falls and explore some more!

multnomah falls
multnomah falls
multnomah falls
multnomah falls
multnomah falls
multnomah falls
multnomah falls
multnomah falls
multnomah falls

Greta was so cute playing with the train the other day. Maybe it was her little squat and the fact that I could see clear to her belly button, or maybe it was her focus and her little tongue sticking out. Dunno. She's adorable. 

Greta and train
Greta and train
Greta and train
Greta and train
Greta and train
Greta and train
Greta and train
Greta and train
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