We went to Kootenay lake 3 times. Greta was a serious trooper. She went days and days without a regular nap! My girls love the water and were so happy to be there. Plus, there were lots of cousins and other family members to play with. My uncle Peter, took us out on his boat and while I was worried that Greta would be frightened, she in fact loved it. We ate so many BC cherries - BC fruit is amazing! While it was a little crazy at times (Greta was constantly snacky for example), it was so worth it to go spend that time with people we love. 

Holly and Greta declared Aiden their best friend and are still talking about him!kootenay
My little swimmer Holly and her new friend. Social butterfly!kootenay

Another one of our days there, we went to Moyie Lake. It was a pretty lake with a fairly sandy beach. The lake remained wading depth for a long, long ways out. This was a happy play day for the girls. They played so well together. We were all reluctant to leave, but there was thunder and lightning and my sister, Kimberly, was arriving any time. Happy day!

moyie lake
moyie lake
moyie lake
moyie lake
moyie lake
moyie lake
moyie lake

We all loved going out for ice cream a couple times while on our holiday. Nothing quite like grandparents + sweet and sticky happiness!

ice cream
ice cream
ice cream
ice cream
ice cream
ice cream
ice cream
ice cream

We all have a small obsession with my brother's son, Hudson. He's so cute! Conor hadn't met him in the flesh until this trip - crazy right?! We loved loving him! It was so much fun making him laugh and tickling him. And it was always sad when it was one of his naptimes. We got a hoot out of his funny faces and sweet noises. I wish I could see Hudson a lot more. I sure do love that little guy!


I took a lot of photos while we were in Yahk! I won't share them all here - I plan on compiling the photos into a book though. One of the first days we were there, we went to play in the river before the rain came. My girls were crazy about the blow-up dragon. It was my sister's and was originally purchased something like 10 years ago. The river was nippy, but the girls were still happy to float around!

moyie river
moyie river
moyie river
moyie river
moyie river
moyie river
moyie river
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