Meet my Mr. and Mrs. Ho Ho Ho pillows!

hohoho pillows

I think they're really fun and cute, which is good, because I've got some history with these pillows. First, I tried the freezer paper stencil version which took 2.5 hours and the paint bled where it wasn't allowed to go. I used a linen blend and I think that was the big culprit. I threw an adult temper tantrum. It was ridiculous.

hohoho pillows

I had already bought the pillow inserts from Ikea, which was an adventure in and of itself, so I was fairly determined to make these pillow covers, and make 'em right. For round 2, I decided to stick to the medium I know best - sewing - and I ordered some quilting cotton and white felt and waited for arrival. Then it took quite a bit more time to carefully cut the felt out and then to carefully sew it onto the pillows with precision.

hohoho pillows

And then I thought I would like a white pom-pom trim on the pillows, however, once I sewed the trim onto one of them, I had second thoughts.

hohoho pillows

So I sewed the second one up without the trim and in the end I decided I liked it better without.

hohoho pillows

And I figured out why too. The white trim was too much of a contrast to the red fabric and it looked too cutesy to me. I wanted to finish them off right and really like them even if it took a little extra work because I had already put so much work (and $$$) into them. They're done now and happily sitting on my couch bringing a little extra Christmas cheer to our living room. If I were to make them again (as gifts), I would use heat bond and make them applique-style. I think that would be the easiest method (although still fussy) and I think it would look good too. 

hohoho pillows
hohoho pillows
hohoho pillows

The pattern and template for these great pillows can be found in A Hip Handmade Holiday.

Holly and I made these crystal bead ornaments with one of her friends. The only supplies needed are white pipe cleaners and clear, colorful beads. Holly made two and gave one of them to a friend and the other one she made has magically disapeared. So, the one below is the one I made. Pretty talented, right? Holly definitely prefered using the pony beads over the other beads because the holes were bigger on the pony beads and therefore easier to string. This was a fun little craft. I'm glad we did it! I feel like time is running out for Christmas crafts and I'm starting to panic. Also, I've been taking more photos lately, so more posts to come!


My sister-in-law, Elizabeth, recently did a little photo shoot with Christmas lights and she emailed a few of the photos my way. That was it! I was going to do a little photo shoot with Christmas lights! I've "pinned" so many inspirational photos, I just had to do it. I did it at my friends house and took photos of her kiddos too. It was a bit of a disaster! Photographing kids is hard. One is smiling, one is zoned out. One is throwing a temper tantrum, the other is busy playing... I'm just grateful I got what I did. I took 8-10 photos with film and sent that off yesterday! Excited to see how it turned out!

On a sidenote, I'm forever dreaming about a home filled with natural light. Always, always. 


Last year, I decided to make going to the Nutcracker a family tradition. This year, Greta was deemed old enough and we all went. We went to a local showing done by the rec center where the girls take their ballet classes. The tickets were only $8 (whoop), and we had great front row seat (double whoop!). Greta wasn't quite old enough and as soon as the program passed her threshold of sacrament meeting time (1 hour and 5 minutes), she was done. "Hungee Momm, hungee!" I took her out and we did not re-enter! Despite the early exit, it was really fun. Holly liked it and wanted to know when her turn was and Greta did enjoy it until her stomach took control of her emotions. 

Holly's currently going through a really funny smiling phase. I love all the photos I have of her with her squinty-eyed, intense smile. I think she thinks her smile needs to be something specific. I gave her a little smile pep talk when Conor was taking photos of us and I told her to just laugh. While she's figuring out her smile in this world, I'm loving all the pictures I have of her experimenting with her smile. 

the girls
Holly  & me
Holly & me
Holly and Me

A couple weekends ago, Conor and I got our craft on and took four separate trips to Lowes. Ha! But now we have all the supplies for this craft. I saw the idea for this modern branch on Sugar Lander and immediately knew that I wanted to make this with the husband. I love working on projects with Conor! By the end of making 4 (!), we had quite the system in place. I'd like to make a longer one actually. Also trying to decide if I should paint the tips of all the branches metallic. Wouldn't that be pretty? I'll likely leave this up all year round and hang different things from it. I just love it!

mod branch
mod branch
mod branch
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